Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Squat heavy weapons team

Hi all - inspired by the fact that the Warhammer World New Year Open Day will soon be upon us, and that for the last few years I've been asked to display my old school Rogue Trader collection there, I've been revisiting my Squats so I have something new to show off. Here's a Combat Team, equipped entirely with heavy bolters, something Squats were uniquely able to do in their White Dwarf army list. Technically the squad leader shouldn't have a heavy bolter too, but I'll redistribute models between squads for games anyway.

Hopefully see you there!

Monday, 27 February 2017

Space Slann Warleader

Finished this Space Slann War leader today - you might have guessed I'm a huge fan of this lost, enigmatic species!

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Space Slann finished

I've finished the Space Slann I posted a work in progress shot of a while back, and taken a picture of them moving in file (to hide their numbers...) through a typical 40k jungle. I was aiming to take a picture that would have been at home in the Rogue Trader rulebook and I don't think it's too far off!

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Slann, from space

Just a quick shot of a project that got half done a year or so back and has resurfaced (like such half finished hobby projects tend to). This is a work in progress shot of a set of Space Slann. I have all thirteen of the original twelve Space Slann (nudge nudge wink wink) already painted green, so I'm painting this second set blue so they can mingle and minimise the effect of the duplicates. If I'm lucky enough ever to start a third set maybe they'll be yellow!

And here's the leader, a conversion I did a while back.

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Squats and Dominators (together at last)

I was at the Warhammer World Open Day this Monday gone, manning the Specialist Games stand, but as the event had something of an old school theme (celebrating Rogue Tracer's 30th anniversary year) I brought along some Squats, Space Slann and Zoats to show off next to Tony Cottrell's original Sabre Tank Hunter, Spartan Assault Carrier and other assorted old school treasure.

Before putting the Squats back in my display cabinet I thought I'd take a quick picture of them for the blog. I realised I should have brought my two Dominators (Tyranid Warriror concept models briefly sold via Mail Order as otherwise unknown aliens) along to the show too, so included them in this shot just for fun...