Sunday, 31 May 2015

Old School Photoshoot

For me, one of the appeals of this hobby is creating set piece scenes that invoke the sort of wander I felt as a kid flicking through the pages of White Dwarf. To that end, I really enjoy setting up my old school inspired miniatures and taking some shots. The results are amateur at best, but fun nonetheless!

Here's a few I've done in the last few days.

Above, a pair of Rogue Trader Dominators (they were in fact prototype Tyranid Warriors, sculpted by Nick Bibby but they feel like a species in their own right).

Space Slann, one of each, an unreleased one and a conversion.

Not Rogue Trader miniatures, but I hope in the spirit, some desert dwelling Technomads.


  1. So much awesome, nice snaps Andy.

  2. Never seen those prototype Tyranids before. Fascinating - what year were they from? The printed backdrops really add to the atmosphere.

    1. Yeah, they appeared in the Heroes for Wargames book and made a very brief appearance in the Mail Order leaflets in around 1988/9 but otherwise we're not really seen at all!

  3. I'd be curious to see your photo set up. This is something I'm definitely aspiring towards, and I'm curious how you go about sourcing your backgrounds and set up the shots.

    1. Cheers mate! Really nothing special at all and I really should put more effort into taking decent shots (my dad was a BBC cameraman and my brothers an international portrait photographer to the stars so I have no excuse!) The backdrops are literally just a3 print outs of interesting landscapes, with some terrain items to disguise the horizon.

  4. Those technomads have come up a treat. They really look the part.

  5. Thanks mate - I have enough spare parts for another twenty or so now, so will crack on with some more :-)

  6. So stoked to see those Dominators painted up, bums me out no end seeing them in bare metal all the time. Really need to keep a closer eye out for one in the future, would love to use one as a stand in Tyrant!
