Following the ‘Loot and Pillage’ battle between the hill tribe and the garrison patrol, the campaign stats are as follows.
The Cult controls the following territory:
Old Ruins
Old Ruins
After income and six rolls on the Rare Trade chart, the Cult has 186 credits left, and bought (or looted from the supply drop) hallucinogen grenades, an auto repairer and a bionic eye.
As all the fighters engaged in the ambush were ‘henchmen’, no experience was earned.
The Garrison controls the following territory:
Mineral Outcrop
After income and two rolls on the Rare Trade chart, the garrison has 55 credits left, and bought (recovered from the one supply canister they retrieved) a power fist and a power sword.
During the income phase, the settlements yielded 3 ‘juves’ (press ganged locals) who will take part in future games once miniatures have been put together.
No experience was earned, but the heavy with the grenade launcher suffered a serious injury, which resulted in a leg wound (-1M) and the corporal leading the patrol didn’t return. The next mission will therefore be a Rescue scenario to recover him, as soon as a special hostage model has been made.
Action points – let’s name our territories and main fighters?
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