Saturday, 27 March 2010

Death World Warp-Wasp!

Here's the first of six death world nasties, a Waspquito from Heresy Miniatures.

As Andy says on his webstore, they're buggers to put together. I had to pin the wings, then apply araldite, then use superglue to set the araldite instantly (which makes for a very strong bond, which these wings need). The paint is GW Foundation Macharius Solar Orange, then Vallejo Scarlet, then a wash of GW Baal Red, then a highlight of Scarlet then a bit more orange. The wings are just black with a gloss varnish.

Not looking forward to making five more, but they'll be fun in a death world scenario! I may count them as 'psychneuins' from the Rogue Trader bestiary, which are pests that live in the warp, lay their eggs in the brains of psykers, then hatch out...nice.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

"People called the Imperium they go to the house?"

Hey guys

I've been a bit quiet recently as work has been busy, but I've just spent a few hours knocking up a bit of terrain for a campaign game I want to run, and had a bit of (very amateur!) fun mucking around with the pics in photoshop.

So, here's an Adeptus Arbite Watch-Precinct. It's made from two of the new GW Bastion kits (plenty of spare bits left over for other projects). Instead of all the weapons the kit comes with I've used all the scanner type bits, as this is intended as an Adeptus Arbites spy-tower for keeping watch on the scum, not as a military installation (plus, eight heavy bolters would ruin one of our skirmish games pretty quick!)

And here's the real reason I made the terrain...