Thursday, 21 May 2009

Hunter-killer droids.

Maniple of HK Crusaders 'Stinger Squadron' programmed to seek and destroy genetically corrupt specimens.





  1. Incredible - looks like we'll have to dig out the Rogue Trader robot rules again! Have you worked out a points cost/gang rating for them?

  2. Nice to see the classic war robots getting some use!

    Which of the rules do you use? the ones in the original rulebook which require you to place orders in advance or the uber complicated ones which came later?

    Either way cant wait to see how they handle themselves in a game! Being as they are armed with power sword arms and at least one las cannon I suspect they are going to hammer the other side!

    On a side note have you ever thought of using some of the starwars plastics as robots? (Heres a link to my old blog with some assorted robotic gubbins on it: Alas its not been updated in ages but your fantastic blogs have really inspired me to crack on with it again!)

  3. Hey mate

    Last time we used the robots rules we used the complicated ones! We did have the GM run the robots while the players ran their gangs against one another though - I think having a robot alongside a gang would get pretty complicated.
    I'll check out your blog and the Star Wars stuff too - when I use non-40k stuff in 40k themed games I often think its enough to use 40k guns, so they look right in the setting, and I have loads of bits around the place I can use for that.
