Sunday 12 April 2015

In the Cluches of Chaos project progress!

A few months back I posted here how Paul of the most excellent Sho3box old school wargaming blog and myself had concocted the idea of a conversion exchange, wherein we each decide between us on a theme, convert a suitable model and exchange the results, going on to paint the model we'd received and then use it in a battle report to be featured on our own blogs.

Well, I converted my piece and sent it to Paul - it has yet to arrive with him so I won't reveal what it is (I'll let him do that on his own blog). Paul's piece for me has arrived though, and I wanted to show it off, and express my thanks to Paul - its a wonderful conversion and very much in line with the 'captured by Chaos' theme we'd agreed upon.

The Sho3box Daemon unleashed!

I hope to get it painted in the very near future and then I'll put together a scenario and run a game, the results of which I'll publish here. I'm already thinking the game should involve the Cultists I've been working on, plus an old school Ordo Malleus, Realm of Chaos style Inquisitor. It would be especially grim and brooding fought in the confines of my Zone Mortalis terrain set too, so look out for that!

Once again, many thanks to Paul and I'll post a link to the Sho3box blog when he announces his end of the project is progressing.


  1. That is a creepy looking conversion - looking forward to seeing it painted up!

  2. Ghostbusters! Is it escaping from, or being sucked into, the muon (ghost) trap? I love it!

    1. Could be either, but I think in a scenario it'll have to be static, so maybe trapped in the beam but still able to affect nearby models :-)

    2. The concept for the connversion was something somewhere between a genie in a lamp, a daemon weapon and a trapped Dark Judge. Whether its on its way on or out of the trap is entirely up to you Andy :)

      I put your handiwork on display in a similar post about the other half of the project earlier today:

    3. Sounds like a fun game effect, Andy - I look forward to seeing it painted.

  3. I just came over from Paul's blog he has the model & may I say that both are excellent.

  4. Great concept for getting new models that are new and fresh. Paul - this conversion is ace (as is Andy's). Andy - can't wait to see it painted!

  5. Many thanks, I'm looking forward to painting the Sho3box Deamon :-)
