At sunset last night, a civilian demolitions vehicle accompanied by 5 (five) Regimental Provosts of Garrison HQ Company was passing through settlement D44 (local desig. 'Our Souls End') when it was obliged to pause.

Whilst dismounted, the vehicle was attacked by unknown assailants.

The RPs called for aid, and within minutes a section of 2 Platoon, A Company was on scene. Despite the efforts of all involved, the assailants destroyed the demolitions vehicle, though they were driven off in the process, suffering heavy losses.

4 (four) RPs were wounded, though all were recovered. We believe 1 (one) assailant was killed and the remainder wounded. Control of Our Souls End appears to be precarious, with hostile enemy forces excercising increasing influence there.

Furthermore, the NCO commanding reports at least one of the assailants may have been some form of beast or xenos. As this creature was eliminated by frag missile fire, we have no way of confirming this.
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